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This is Sudeshna here. Welcome to the Pionyr /pi·o·neer/ crew of thousands of women founders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs & builders.

Our purpose is to do 3 things for you:

1. Support you to navigate the minefield of challenges in your founder journey
2. Help you accelerate your business and personal growth
3. Find inspiration from battle-tested veterans and celebrate success and failures

You probably already have endured a tough journey as a female founder. It’s unnerving to be the minority when it comes to receiving less than 2% VC funding.

But you're not alone.

That's exactly why I'm here. I deliver actionable tips tailored to women founders that you can use to improve your business.

Every issue takes 3 to 4 minutes to read.

If that sounds good to you, join thousands of pioneers like you who are on this ride of a lifetime with us.

I'm excited to have you here.




© Pionyr. All rights reserved. 2024.

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You can reach out to us if you have questions at You can also get in touch using the contact form below.

Let’s get in touch.

Schedule 30 min call with Sudeshna Sen