This is Sudeshna here. Welcome to the Pionyr /pi·o·neer/ crew of thousands of women founders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs & builders.
Our purpose is to do 3 things for you:
1. Support you to navigate the minefield of challenges in your founder journey
2. Help you accelerate your business and personal growth
3. Find inspiration from battle-tested veterans and celebrate success and failures
You probably already have endured a tough journey as a female founder. It’s unnerving to be the minority when it comes to receiving less than 2% VC funding.
But you're not alone.
That's exactly why I'm here. I deliver actionable tips tailored to women founders that you can use to improve your business.
Every issue takes 3 to 4 minutes to read.
If that sounds good to you, join thousands of pioneers like you who are on this ride of a lifetime with us.
I'm excited to have you here.